Why Do You Need Maintenance Packages for Fleet Vehicles?
No matter how you source your vehicles, or whether they are yours or your drivers’ personal vehicles, your business has a responsibility to ensure your employees are safe if their job requires them to drive the vehicle.
Adding maintenance to your fleet vehicles can help keep both your drivers and assets, the vehicles, safe while on the roads.
A maintenance package streamlines the process for you and your drivers. It reduces the amount of internal administration work to arrange any necessary maintenance, servicing or repairs, the time it can take to complete any of this work and that your drivers are off the road and provides you with a complete audit trail.
Wessex Fleet’s Top Five Reasons to Add Maintenance
1. Simplified and easy to understand process for all drivers and easy to contact Maintenance Team
2. Spreads the cost of any work across regular fixed monthly payments making it easy to budget
3. One centralised management of all maintenance work on your entire fleet through Wessex Fleet
4. Maintenance and servicing work completed promptly
5. All work completed by reliable and trustworthy providers.
Why Choose Wessex Fleet Maintenance
As part of our fleet management services Wessex Fleet can offer you a tailored maintenance package for some or all of your fleet vehicles.
We know that every fleet is individual to the business it’s run by and their drivers, because of this every fleet’s maintenance needs are slightly different and our maintenance team is prepared for this.
Wessex Fleet have a specially trained maintenance team who are here to help with any queries that your fleet managers or drivers alike have. They can answer questions you have, arrange any work that is needed for any vehicles and much more.
You can meet the faces behind the voices you’ll speak to on our meet the team page.
Though our maintenance packages are usually taken out on lease vehicles, we can help you maintain any vehicle in your fleet and are always happy to discuss the needs of your business.
What’s Included with Wessex Fleet Maintenance
In the next section, we will look at what Wessex Fleet can offer you as part of our fleet maintenance services.
If your business has any particular needs or maintenance requirements then please get in touch with us on 01722 322 888 or contact us here and we would be happy to discuss how we can help you with those.

General Maintenance
Whenever one of your vehicles comes up with a maintenance warning light on the dashboard then your driver can book it in for the require work through us at 01722 322 888 or by taking the vehicle to their local franchised dealer. If they take it to their local dealership they will then contact Wessex Fleet to authorise the work on the driver’s behalf.
Both of these options enable your driver to get their vehicle repaired as quickly as possible to minimise time off the road, as well as reducing admin work for your internal managers.
Tyre Replacement
Wessex Fleet work with a number of providers in order to ensure we can provide you with quick and efficient tyre repairs and replacements, though our primary supplier is Kwik Fit.
If you opt to take out a maintenance package with us and any of your drivers find that one of their tyres is showing signs of wear or has a puncture then they will simply need to take the vehicle into any Kwik Fit centre for assessment. They will then contact us to authorise the work.
This process allows your drivers to get their vehicle safe and roadworthy again as quickly as possible with minimum effort and disruption to their lives. It also reduces the work for any internal fleet manager that you have as they do not need to arrange and authorise the work before it can be completed.
When the time comes for any vehicle in your fleet to be serviced then your driver can book it in at their local franchised dealer. The garage will then contact Wessex Fleet for authorisation of the work.
Wessex Fleet have accounts in place with the majority of franchise garages and a large number of independent ones. So, if your driver is ever unsure whether they can take a vehicle into their local garage then can give us a call on 01722 322 888 (option one) and we will be able to confirm if it is one we have an account with.
Breakdown Assistance
As part of our maintenance package, we can offer breakdown assistance for your drivers.
Where possible, our breakdown team will endeavour to complete any needed repairs in location to get your driver on the move again. But where this isn't possible they will arrange recovery of your vehicle and transportation of it to a garage in order for any necessary work to be completed promptly.
Our breakdown line, 0800 917 7402, is available 24 hours seven days a week 365 days a year to help get your drivers back on the road as quickly as possible.
What isn’t Covered by Your Maintenance Package
Although we offer comprehensive maintenance packages there are some things that will not be covered by a maintenance package.
We have detailed the three main circumstances that will not be covered by a maintenance provision below.
Accidents and Vandalism
Maintenance packages will not cover any accidental damage.
If one of your vehicles is involved in an accident then you will need to follow the usual procedure of informing your insurance provider and arranging repairs under your insurance policy.
Please note that if one of your drivers is involved in an accident, whether it causes damage or not, you will have a duty of care to them.
Under our maintenance agreements accidents also include kerbed or damaged tyres.
Similarly, if a vehicle is damaged due to vandalism of the vehicle, or nearby property which in turn caused damage to the vehicle, then this would need to be claimed through your business’ insurance policy. In order to do this, your insurer might also require you to contact the police for a case reference number, but they will advise you if this is necessary.
Glass Damage
For the purposes of this guide vehicle glass includes:
- Front windscreen
- Rear windscreen
- Front and rear windows
- A Sunroof (if present)
- Wing mirrors
If any of these items are damaged then this will not be covered by your maintenance package.
Depending on your insurance policy then you may be able to claim any necessary repairs on this. Alternatively, the business may need to pay for them itself.
Wessex Fleet can help with these repairs, however there will be an additional charge for this service as it will not be included as part of your existing maintenance package.
Driver Error or Negligence
If there is any damage to the vehicle caused by driver error, for example putting diesel in a petrol vehicle, or negligence then any repairs needed will not be covered by your maintenance package.