• July 25, 2024

  • Sara Davies

  • Wessex Fleet Updates

This year we mark the 20th anniversary of Wessex Fleet. We’re celebrating two decades of driving our core values; to be genuine, be enthusiastic, be dedicated and be effective, placing customer experience at the forefront of vehicle leasing.

We haven’t simply witnessed the transition from car ownership to usership, we’ve been an integral part of it. And of that, we’re immensely proud, both as a business and as individuals. We’ve made new, safe and low emission vehicles available to as many people and companies as possible. And made it simple and affordable to access them.

We’re excited about how much we’ve achieved. But we’re even more excited about how much we’re destined to achieve over the coming years.

We’re at the beginning of what is a momentous shift in technological innovation and mobility; an era as dynamic and exciting as that experienced over a century ago when mass production of vehicles came into play.


A Change in Gear

Electric and autonomous vehicles are taking the industry by storm. Innovations are fast gathering pace. A multitude of technologies are being introduced that will transform the driving experience and negate environmental impacts of vehicles in one, encompassing manoeuvre, made possible by an entire ecosystem of stakeholders.

We’re seeing enablers of technologies including artificial intelligence, mapping, law enforcement, and connectivity, all converging to take mobility on its own journey towards a true revolution for decades to come.

Not only will vehicles sit at the forefront of these changes but mobility services themselves will witness similar transformative processes. Drivers and businesses are becoming more and more mindful of the financial and environmental impact of operating too many high- polluting vehicles. Instead, they’re looking to increasingly innovative types of usage models for their employees including car pooling, car sharing and the utilisation of electric cars through salary sacrifice schemes.

As a business we have been witness to all of these industry changes. We feel truly privileged to continue driving forward this evolution.


Left to Right - Tim McNally, Simon Naylor and Spencer Blake today

Our Epic Journey

In 2004, Wessex Fleet began when Tim McNally and Spencer Blake, then part of the senior management team at Enterprise Rent-A-Car, took their knowledge of vehicle management and set up their own business, determined to create an environment where the customer’s experience was at the heart of everything. A third director, Simon Naylor, came on board in year two.

Fast forward a further 18 years to the Wessex Fleet of today. We now have over 50 employees and a turnover of £9m, with several propositions under one roof, including our retail brand; Xcite Car Leasing, Xcite Salary Sacrifice and a network of 11 trusted AR partners across the UK.

Spencer Blake, Director, recalls; “Our first office was rented in a shared block and smaller than our current board room, decked out in grey furniture with red trim and red office chairs. Tim always said it looked like a boy’s bedroom and was just missing a poster of ‘The A Team’. In those early years it was very much about supplying one lease and moving on to the next.

“I remember singing and dancing around the kitchen on my own when the company was finally able to afford to support Tim, Simon and me with a wage.”

Tim McNally, Director, opines; “We set up the business to focus primarily on providing company vehicles for the corporate sector. Our business model was straightforward enough but, in the early days, we hadn’t really anticipated changes that were starting to happen in the retail sector and the effect this was going to have on the leasing industry as a whole.

“The concept of an individual leasing a vehicle was alien to many who were accustomed to owning their own vehicle. The change of mindset from ownership to usership has been hugely beneficial to the growth of Wessex Fleet and the subsequent creation of Xcite Car Leasing as a retail brand.”

Simon Naylor, Director, reflects; “To think that 20 years ago, we didn’t know any of the guys that work today, or any of the clients, many of whom are now good friends. It’s been brilliant to see Wessex as not only a business, but a good way to meet some great people.”


Left to Right - Tim McNally, Spencer Blake and Simon Naylor in 2004

Bumps in the Road

Despite changes in the industry accelerating growth and opportunities for Wessex Fleet, the road to success hasn’t always been smooth.

As Simon recollects; “It was tough trying to grow Wessex during some difficult times; the 2008 crash for example. My wife and I got married a few weeks after the crash… Some of the funders literally shut the door, and said they had no money. It was crazy.

“However, we got through it, and worked it out. Then Covid…and the same challenges. Overall, those experiences make you stronger, but they are a right pain as well!”

Spencer agrees; “There was Brexit and the Ukraine Conflict, but without a shadow of doubt the biggest challenge was Covid. I still remember driving home from the office on the day Boris announced the first lockdown. I genuinely didn’t know what was going to happen or whether we would still have a company and our employees would still have jobs.

“I also remember Tim calling me the day the Government announced the furlough scheme. We knew then that the business would survive. I’ll be forever grateful to those employees who did battle on through Covid. They were fundamental in keeping the company going.”

Our Next Road Trip

The next twenty years will undoubtably feel like another road trip for all at Wessex Fleet, with the hugely exciting shifts in the car industry propelling us and our customers into the coming decades.

“What do the next 20 years have in store of us? Certainly, with the tax considerations committed until at least 2028, EVs are here to stay. I think we’ll see better charging infrastructure, more electric commercial vehicles, and a general continuation of the current trend. Longer term, we may well see hydrogen start to challenge EVs, but I think this will be once ICE units are almost gone as an offering,” says Simon.

Tim agrees; “The shift towards electrification is already well under way. The improvements in charging infrastructure have been substantial recently, resulting in growing confidence among drivers to use EVs in the same way they would use a conventional diesel or petrol car. This will no doubt pave the way for EV adoption amongst the wider public.

“EVs have gone hand in hand with increased levels of tech in terms of both safety features and information systems. The former means we are getting closer to a full self-driving mode of transport, and I can see that will develop to not needing to own a vehicle at all through using a network of linked vehicles that can be called upon as and when required.”

“EV products now make up over 40% of all new leases we supply,” adds Spencer. “With the transition to EV, I think some of the old incumbent manufacturers need to raise their game with the fresh competition coming for the Chinese markets. I do wonder if electric will be the long-term answer. I think if I’m still working in Wessex in 20 years’ time then I suspect we may be leasing hydrogen powered vehicles.

“My thoughts on driverless cars, personally? I think they’ll happen but I I’m still to be convinced that mobility as a service will oust the desire for individuals to have their own vehicles. I think autonomous vehicles may be more prevalent in the big cities but the convenience of having your own vehicle will still outweigh shared options.”


Marking the Occasion

We’re offering £50 off our admin fee for all orders taken by Xcite Car Leasing in the month of August to celebrate our 20th anniversary with our customers.

A new brand marque referencing Wessex Fleet’s 20 years in business is being showcased on all marketing materials this year.

In September, Wessex Fleet will be treating staff to a sunset cruise on the Dorset Queen around Poole Harbour and, weather permitting, across to Swanage, with a barbeque and live music. Then it’s back to Poole for more drinks and dancing!

Spencer says; “I have always thought of Wessex as a family in that we all look out for each other and do our best to support one another in collectively doing our best for customers. 

If you look after your customers, support and develop your employees, then the profits will take care of themselves.

 “We have a number of couples that wouldn’t be together if it weren’t for Wessex. We haven’t had a Wessex wedding or baby yet, but I don’t think we are too far away!”

Simon adds; “Definitely the quality of our people has led to our growth and success. We work hard to take on good guys because our clients like them. That is key. If we get the right team, clients will be loyal. That ultimately leads to growth. It’s something we’ve always done by design.”